Buy Grave Markers is proud to offer high quality porcelain enameled steel cameo pictures.
Our selection of Oval, Rectangle and Square Photos are a perfect complement to any Gravemarker, adding to the lasting memory of your loved one.
All sizes of Ceramic Gravemarker Pictures are available in either Color or Black and White.
Size | Color |
B&W |
5" x 7" |
$500 |
$310 |
4 ¼" x 6" |
$460 |
$290 |
3 ¾" x 5" |
$420 |
$260 |
3 ¼" x 4 ¼" |
$390 |
$240 |
2 ⅝" x 3 ⅜" |
$370 |
$230 |
2 ¼" x 2 ¾" |
$350 |
$230 |

Size | Color |
B&W |
8" x 10" |
$750 |
$470 |
5" x 7" |
$500 |
$310 |
4" x 6" |
$440 |
$280 |
4" x 5" |
$420 |
$260 |
4" x 4" |
$390 |
$240 |

Ceramic Ordering Process
Place your order today: E-Mail: - Tel: (760) 936-8830